Tuesday 7 September 2010

Captain's Log - Day 1 of the Adventures of Ritmo Latino in Cali Colombia


At heathrow the receptionist asks where is my final destination, I look out to the horizon and simply reply......Adventure.


I arrive at Madrid airport stuggling to understand my important flight announcements and that lisp the Spanish love so much wasn't helping, almost ended up on a flight to Peru. Saw Niko El Bambino, Promoter and Reggaeton personality in the UK with his girlfriend Charlotte who were obviously so upset by my departure they followed me to Madrid. After the tears were dried, i gave Niko a big man hug and looking out into the distance I said "I must go now my adventure awaits".


After a long flight, some sleep and even more dreams of adventure, I Arrive in Cali and am immediately greeted by a taxi driver whom when i ask what is his name he replies: "mi nombre es Sandro pero en mi barrio me llaman........Galleta" "My Name is Sandro but in my hood they call me..... Biscuit", and judging by his belly I could see why, I ask him where are the good salsa spots this weekend, he answers: "Marc Anthony is doing a concert this Saturday and it's free...." "Free?" "mmmmmmmmmm" I say to myself: "I think I'm liking this place".


I then arrive at my hotel, greeted by other adventurers and locals who offer to take me to a salsa school tomorrow called "El manicero" and then to a club after. One of local guys (Ricardo), asks if I want to go to a club tonight called "Chango" I replied "do bears crap in the woods" Ricardo looks puzzled , I speak to Lorena (World Salsa Champion Cabaret Divison) & Nilson from Swing Latino (5 Times World Salsa Champions) and they invite me out tomorrow as well ............Wow tomorrow Swing Latino tonight is all about "CHANGO".


Ricardo comes to meet me at the hotel, we take a cab to chango. On the way Ricardo tells me about all his successes with foreign women, dude has six kids from six different girls. Ricardo tells me the golden rule of clubbing in Cali."Never ask a girl to dance who is with a dude as this could get u killed". "Is this rule worth breaking??". I ask myself: "only one way to find out" is the reply. We arrive at "Chango..."


CHANGO:: nice decor, great music, live percussion and 3 dancefloors. Out of nowhere Ricardo pulls out his campana and accompanies the live drummer. Dude knows the words to every single song. Theres loads of hotties in there... just one problem......... they are all with men!!. Suddenly a devil appears on my right shoulder and an angel to my left. I look at them both and say "i'm gonna need ur advice on this one lads...."

Devil says: "If u wanna have fun in here, break the rule" 

Angel replies: "Rules are made for a reason!" 

Devil answers: "Rules are made to be broken!!"


Meanwhile Ricardo is working a table of three french girls, this dude doesn't waste any time, I see why he has six kids now. I then spot a hot chocholate skinned babe eyeing me up whilst she is dancing with her man. I look over at Angel and say: "Sorry buddy i'm with devil on this one"


With no window of opportunity to dance with chocolate gal (Coco) I join Ricardo and the Frenchies. None of them can dance but they are friendly. Suddenly Coco's man comes to our table and asks one of the frenchies to dance. I look over to Coco and she is smiling and calls me over. It's either now or never, and as soon as I arrive she says: "bailamos".


 Coco doesn't believe I am not from Cali until I speak to her in English. She says she hasn't met a black dude from England before and she would like to get to know me more. At this point i am still wary as the dude she came with is only a few feet away but his line on vision is slightly blocked by other dancers. Ricardo is putting some serious groundwork with the french girls and i mean serious. When i return to our table Ricardo says: "Can you dance more with her friends because I dont want them to get bored". 


The guy code does state that you should always try and be a good wing man when your boy is working a chick so I danced with the other two french girls and on second thoughts one of them looked kinda nice and was starting to pick up the cali style of salsa a bit. 


All this time Coco is watching and everytime her dude comes to dance with one of the french girls I sneak a quickie with her. She wasn't the most technical dancer but had "el sabor" (the flavour) y los movimientos de las caderas... you know, the hip wiggle that latinas are famous for. In Cali this is more admired and respected as opposed to doing loads of spins and fancy shines. I'm not gonna lie, with the exception of Ricardo, not a lot of dudes could dance very well, so in there, I was like Maykell Fonts at the Bournemouth salsa congress, mmmmmm Biskit Fonts "I'm liking the sound of that".


As the night proggressed so did my confidence and I began searching for more "Solteras" (single ladies), and started really enjoying my night. To my suprise everyone there thinks im a "Caleno" (dude from cali) until i speak to them long enough. 


Despite the fact Chango wasn't that packed; the music, the decor and the atmosphere was spot on. We danced till 6 in the morning and just before I left guess who slips me a piece of paper with her number on it......yes Coco. Ricardo gets a number off one of the french girls and we decide to call it a night. 


Before we get the taxi, we stop off at a "tiendarita" a little shop that sells hot food (not 100% on that word entonces no me maten si no es correcto). Food was very cheap and tasted good. On the taxi ride home from Chango, Ricardo tells me that he has a plan for tomorrow and the rest of the week. I was planning to rest for the first couple of days but obviously this is not gonna be the case for Biskit Fonts. I arrive at my place at 6.45am safe and sound in anticipation for what Cali has instore for me tomorrow!


1 comment:

  1. Love it papi!!!
    Looks like you had a fab time there,
    I def need to go there! ;)
    Where are the next days then?
